Elder Programs
We continuously strive to provide our We Wai Kai Elders with programs and supports to enhance the quality of life. We provide resources, social engagement, and support tailored to their needs. These programs often include recreational activities, health and wellness initiatives, educational workshops, and community services designed to foster independence and reduce isolation. By offering opportunities for physical activity, social connection, elder programs contribute to overall well-being and help maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle. We also provide access to essential services, such as transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping and errands as well as to events and groups.
Please contact either Quinsam or Cape Mudge Elders workers for more information.
Youth Programs
We Wai Kai Nation recognizes that our youth are the future of our communities, we stive to provide our youth with a safe and enjoyable space for them to drop in, share a meal and have a semi- structured environment.
With daily activities planned from arts and crafts, games, sports, science experiments and more! We also host a variety of off reserve outings. These outings are on a sign-up basis, please contact either Quinsam or Cape Mudge youth workers to sign up or for more information.
The wellness department's main focus is addressing physical, mental, and social health, as well as culture and language revitalization. Organizing a wide range of initiatives such as fitness classes, mental health workshops, culture groups such as cedar weaving, dancing and drumming classes, beading, drum making, working with traditional foods. Creating programs that are accessible and tailored to the diverse needs of the community. By fostering a culture of wellness, the department encourages healthier lifestyles, builds social connections, and empowers individuals to take an active role in their well-being, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of life in the community.