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Learn about our culture, creation story, current population, Chief and Council.
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λugʷ e las Childcare and Education Centre is located in the Quinsam Crossing Development.
The elders carry the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors, and are a vital link between our past, present and future.
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The Quinsam Wellness Centre, is available for rent to band members and the general public.
User Administration Fees The Communications Department is responsible for booking all the We Wai Kai Nation fields.
Enjoy the beautiful treasures of the sacred potlatch collection exhibited in the main and upper galleries.
The goal is to provide programs that support youth in accomplishing their goals and dreams, and prepare them for an empowered adulthood guided by their cultures, families and traditions.
Chief and Council work to deliver effective and efficient programs, businesses and services while respecting our Nation’s culture and traditions.
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with Canadian Public sector accounting standards.
We Wai Kai First Nation by-laws are local laws that are passed by council to regulate affairs within the community.
We Wai Kai recognizes and respects the connection of its Citizens to the land, resources and elements of the natural world that provide for its Citizens physical and spiritual needs.
Policies and procedures provide confidence to members that everyone is treated fairly and equally.
Taxation falls under the authority of the First Nations Tax commission.
To support treaty negotiations toward achieving a fair and just treaty that secures the future and a better quality of life for all generations of our member nations.
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