
to the We Wai Kai NATION

We, the We Wai Kai embrace our language and culture to build a proud, healthy, safe and self sufficient community. We support and encourage each other to thrive through following the footsteps of our ancestral history, as stewards of our lands and waters, while balancing our role in modern day society.

Wiga'xa̱n's 'wi'la yaḵ̓a̱nt̓ala sa̱n's yaḵ̓a̱ndas

Let us all speak our language

Learn Kwak̓wala

Members of We Wai Kai Nation

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  1. Go to the App Store or Google Play and search for "We Wai Kai Nation"
  2. Tap "Register" under "Member Login"
  3. Fill out your information and press “Register"
  4. Click the verification link in your email
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current events

Events are added as we receive information.

Cape Mudge    Quinsam  

Week of Events

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